Taylor R. Genovese is a transdisciplinary philosopher, multimodal anthropologist, and filmmaker living in the Hudson Valley, New York. His work focuses on nostalgia, melancholy, Marxism, theories of value, and environmental ethics.He is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Dutchess Community College. He holds a Ph.D. in science and technology studies from Arizona State University. His dissertation research focused on the legacy of Russian Cosmism—a nineteenth century political theology promoting a universal human program for overcoming death, resurrecting ancestors, and traveling through the cosmos. While he was a graduate student, he had the great honor of being one of David Graeber's students and advisees until his unexpected passing in 2020. Prior to attending university as a non-traditionally aged student, he worked as an accomplished stage actor from 2005–2010 in Tucson, Arizona.Dr. Genovese is an Editor, author, and member of the Board of Directors at Iskra Books, a nonprofit independent scholarly publisher that releases original works of revolutionary theory, history, ecology, and art, as well as edited collections, new translations, and critical republications of older works.As an eclectic multimodal anthropologist, he tends to work on a variety of different projects in a diversity of artistic and academic modes, using digital video, film, photography, and sound as methods and sites of inquiry for anthropological and philosophical research. He produces most of his work through the multimodal production house Kuznitsa. His work has screened widely at international film festivals and venues, such as Tallgrass Film Festival, Arizona International Film Festival, Hudson Valley Film Festival, Ethnografilm, Eichsfelder Filmfestival, Grand OFF Festival, Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental, Golden State Film Festival, and the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan.In his spare time, he is passionate about collecting vinyl records, works to support the Cuban Revolution, and is an avid (if sometimes inconsistent) cinephile.





The Sun Sets Like a Scar

2024, 6 mins

Stones in Cold Water

2023, 17 mins

Under the Shadow of the Wall

2022, 9 mins

Dispatches from a Simulated Warzone

2020, 5 mins

Sunny Disposition

2012, 26 mins

In Production / Upcoming

Only In Complete Silence Do You Hear The Desert

202X, Currently In Production 🎥


Additional photographs can be viewed on Instagram.

Photography Books

The Land of Sunflowers and Steel: A Visual Exploration of Ukraine on the Eve of War (Under Contract with Iskra Books, Coming Winter 2025)

Based upon fieldwork conducted in Ukraine throughout the Fall of 2021, THE LAND OF SUNFLOWERS AND STEEL is a visual exploration of a country on the eve of war. Paired with anthological ethnographic encounters, this transdisciplinary multimodal work constructs sets of diptychs or triptychs meant to generate an aesthetic narrative that blurs time and space, living and dead, progress and decay.

Selections (2018–2024)


Select Publications


2022. Art and the Working Class by Alexander Bogdanov (Translated and introduced by Taylor R. Genovese). Iskra Books. (PDF)


2022. "Under the Shadow of the Wall." Visual Anthropology Review 38 (2): 280–297. (PDF)

2022. «Мультимодальные подходы к изучению музеев космоса». Этнографическое обозрение № 5: 22–40. (PDF)
[2022. "Multimodal Approaches to the Study of Space Museums." Ethnographic Review (Etnograficheskoe obozrenie) № 5: 22–40.]

2020. "The Necessity of Communist Morality." Peace, Land, and Bread 3: 19–36. (PDF)

2016. "Decolonizing Archival Methodology: Combating Hegemony and Moving Towards a Collaborative Archival Environment." AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 12 (1): 32–42. (PDF)


2017. "On Scarves, Serpents, and Solidarity." In Anthropology Matters! in Brief. Anthropology News 58 (6): e128–e130. 15 December. (PDF)

2016. "Orbiting the Imaginary." Peeps Magazine 2: 134–139.


2023. Dark Cosmism: Or, the Apophatic Specter of Russo-Soviet Techno-utopianism. PhD Dissertation. Arizona State University.



I am interested in serving on committees for graduate students working on critiques of political economy; (neo)colonialism and imperialism; the anthropology of outer space and outer space imaginaries; ecological socialism; the weird and the occult; political theology; the material struggles against social chauvinism (racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc.); theories of value; major debates in radical philosophy (issues related to dialectics, materialism, ideology, etc.); national liberation struggles; and past or present socialist experimentation. I am also interested in any project which undertakes significant experimental, nontraditional, and/or multimodal methods.


PHI 271: Dialectical Thought: From Hegel to MarxIn 1807, with the publication of The Phenomenology of Spirit, G.W.F. Hegel introduced a radically new perspective within Western philosophical thought, politics, art, and religion by cleaving away from the hegemonic systems of logic first established by Aristotle. While Hegel’s dialectical approach to history may seem complex and enigmatic, it has proven to be a powerful tool for interpreting the various social, cultural, political, and economic currents that shape our lives. One of the most prominent figures to adopt Hegel's method was Karl Marx, who famously re-articulated Hegelian dialectics into an historical materialist framework to support his case for the inevitable and imminent construction of communism. In this course, we will explore the mechanics of dialectical thought, focusing especially on those thinkers who have used it to analyze and understand political and economic development. [Syllabus]PHI 203: Major Religions of the WorldAn exploration of the cultural expressions and spiritual values of the world's great religions. The course aims at extending and deepening the student's awareness of the doctrine, mythology, symbolism and ritual at the heart of each religion. Among those religions studied will be Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. [Syllabus]PHI 205: Introduction to (Environmental) EthicsThis course is designed to introduce students to the study of ethics and the nature of morality. A wide range of ethical issues will be considered, such as moral relativism, duty-based ethics, and utilitarianism. In order to pragmatically investigate these positions, we will explore them through the lens of environmental ethics. Environmental ethics is the study of ethical relationships between humans and other entities—primarily, other-than-human life. Along with studying a variety of normative ethical positions, we will also investigate theories of value—and how these theories apply to the moral relationships we construct between human and non-human life—manifested in ideas like holism and deep ecology. Finally, the study of ethics benefits strongly from the application of these theories to real world situations, so a significant portion of the course will focus on applying the ethical positions we discuss to key debates in environmental ethics, including subjects such as sustainability, animal rights, environmental justice, climate change, ecosabotage, and technological innovation. [Syllabus]PHI 201: Introduction to PhilosophyThis course is an introduction to philosophy—with the key word being an. In this course, you will get an overview of various philosophical perspectives, but, as those who are interested in philosophy will notice, much of the “philosophical canon” is missing. This is a deliberate choice—but not one made out of spite, malice, or hubris. Rather, the curation of topics for this course is meant to expose you to a wide variety of philosophical traditions and/or modes of thinking, from ancient to contemporary. This class may be challenging. Some topics may require long stints of difficult reading and some topics may challenge your conceptions of how the world works (or should work). This is all done in service to the paramount goal of this course—and, consequently, one of the most difficult tasks that human beings can undertake—to make the familiar strange and the strange familiar. [Syllabus]ASB 214: Magic, Witchcraft, and Healing: An Introduction to Comparative ReligionThis course provides an introduction to the basic principles of cultural anthropology with a particular anthropological focus on religion, spirituality, myth, and ritual. Anthropology is a holistic discipline that asks: who are humans? where did humans come from? what is unique about humans as a species? In order to answer these questions, many anthropologists adhere to the tenet of cultural relativism (all cultures and cultural practices are equally valid and one should not judge a culture based on the principles of another culture). In this class, we will apply this tenet to an examination of religious or spiritual behavior including: mythologies, religious symbolism, ritual, mysticism, magic, divination, and witchcraft. Because humans are unique in that we are able to think through symbolic complexities, we generate this ambiguous thing we call “culture.” An important component of culture has long been (and continues to be) religion, belief, and spirituality. In this class, we will be asking how and why religions exist; how religion intersects with other parts of human society (economy, politics, medicine, kinship/family); how worldviews are shaped by religion; and, how religions interface with natural environments. [Syllabus]


"Cryonic Assemblages: American Cosmism and the Commodification of Time." Peredelkino House of Creativity, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Human Potential, Institute of Social Sciences, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA/РАНХиГС). October 14, 2022. Moscow, Russia."Multimodal Anthropology, Gonzo Ethnography, and Anthropology as Craft." Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis. December 10, 2020. St. Louis, MO."Anarchism, Anthropology, and Taboo." Department of Social Sciences, Arizona Western College. November 13, 2020. Yuma, AZ."Poyekhali! A Brief Primer on the Soviet Space Program." Department of Visual Arts, University of California, San Diego. January 21, 2020. San Diego, CA.


Currently Living and Working on Unceded, Occupied Muhheaconneok (Mohican and Munsee Lenape) Land



6 mins ፠ Digital ፠ 4K ፠ 1.33:1 ፠ Color ፠ Experimental

Engaging with the poetry of Langston Hughes, this film investigates the afterlives of Vladimir Lenin in eastern Germany.More info at KUZNITSA.Watch the TRAILER.Screenings:Golden State Film Festival // February 27, 2024 [World Premiere]
Almaty Underground Screening Series // June 26, 2024
Eichsfelder Filmfestival // August 10, 2024
Chroma Art Film Festival // August 17, 2024
Poetic Cinema Festival // October 9, 2024
Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground // October 11, 2024
Tallgrass Film Festival // October 25 & 26*, 2024 [Regional Premiere]
Under Berlin Film Festival // November 4–9**, 2024
* Encore screening.
** Continuous screening at venue.



Digital ፠ 4K ፠ 2.4:1 ፠ B&W ፠ Experimental

Details TBA. Currently In Production.



17 mins ፠ Digital ፠ HD ፠ 1.78:1 ፠ B&W and Color ፠ Documentary, Experimental

Filmed throughout Ukraine just months before the full-scale Russian invasion, this vérité visual ethnography explores the overlaps of memory, hope, progress, and nostalgia at the scale of everyday life.More info at KUZNITSA.Watch the TRAILER.Watch an EXCERPTScreenings:Hudson Valley Film Festival // August 16, 2023



9 mins ፠ Digital ፠ HD ፠ 1.78:1 ፠ Color ፠ Documentary

This video essay focuses on the landscapes of the Sonoran Desert—and the project of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico—as a way of investigating the manner in which something as seemingly generic as a wall can take on particular political and affective forms. This short provocation explores the ways that violent and distasteful objects create, and subsequently come to characterize, malevolent spectacles.More info at KUZNITSA.Watch the FILM.Read the companion PHOTO ESSAY.Screenings:Golden State Film Festival // March 1, 2022 [World Premiere]
Arizona International Film Festival // April 27, 2022
FLICKFAIR Film Festival // May 2, 2022
Cannes Independent Film Festival // May 18, 2022
Ischia Global Film Festival // July 16, 2022
Tolpuddle Radical Film Festival // July 16, 2022 [Finalist — Small Axe Radical Short Film Awards]
Hudson Valley Film Festival // August 16, 2022
Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental // October 14, 2022
Grand OFF Festival // December 2, 2022 [Nominated — Best Documentary]
ProToPost Film Festival // February 22, 2023 [Winner — Best Short Documentary]
Ethnografilm // April 6, 2023



5 mins ፠ Digital ፠ HD ፠ 1.78:1 ፠ B&W and Color ፠ Documentary

This film was part of an experimental audiovisual presentation organized and edited by Can Tamura and Taylor Genovese for the Distribute 2020 conference. Eight filmmakers were tasked with making a five-minute film on memory and performance, broadly conceived. Films were then edited among and between one another, generating previously unseen ethnographic elements. This sensory approach—highlighting primarily the visual and the sonic—evoked a novel contextual collaboration through juxtaposition and superimposition.Watch the FILM.Screenings:Distribute 2020 // May 8, 2020
Anthro-film Laboratory // June 20, 2020



26 mins ፠ Digital ፠ HD ፠ 1.78:1 ፠ Color ፠ Narrative

What happens when a man you've spent years forgetting winds up at your doorstep? Sunny Disposition is the story of Ben, a disgruntled actor, whose desire is to live his life without becoming the father he never knew. Ben returns home after a rehearsal to find a message from a father he hasn't seen in years on his answering machine. Tension rises as Ben and his father meet face-to-face. The next few hours Ben spends with his father will forever determine their relationship. Could their father-son connection be rekindled or will it go up in smoke?Watch the TRAILER.


Summer 2022 Show
The Curated Fridge
Somerville, MA
August 6 – October 7, 2022
Curator: Aline Smithson